--- title: "How to use `write_lavaan()`" author: "Rémi Thériault" date: "October 6, 2023" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette: toc: true vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{How to use `write_lavaan()`} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} --- This vignette covers the arguments of the `write_lavaan()` function and links to examples in other vignettes showing their usage. ## regression The `regression` argument is a shorthand for the `~` operator. For example usage, see the [Regression vignette](https://lavaanextra.remi-theriault.com/articles/regression.html). ## covariance The covariance argument is a shorthand for the `~~` operator. For example usage, see [Example 1](https://lavaanextra.remi-theriault.com/articles/example.html#example-1-model-syntax-1). ## intercept The latent argument is a shorthand for the `~ 1` operator. For example usage, see [Example 1](https://lavaanextra.remi-theriault.com/articles/example.html#example-1-model-syntax-1). ## latent The latent argument is a shorthand for the `=~⁠⁠` operator. For example usage see [Example 2](https://lavaanextra.remi-theriault.com/articles/example.html#example-2-a-cfa-example). ## constraints Constraints can be specified with the `constraint.equal`, `constraint.smaller`, and `constraint.larger` argument, as showcased in [Example 4.6](https://lavaanextra.remi-theriault.com/articles/example.html#example-4-6). ## mediation The `mediation` argument is also a shorthand for the `~` operator. However, the difference with the `regression` argument is that it can automatically specify path names when the argument `label` is set to `TRUE`. It is also possible to name the paths with letters instead of the variable names by setting `use.letters = TRUE`. For example usage, see [Example 5](https://lavaanextra.remi-theriault.com/articles/example.html#example-5-mediation). ## indirect The indirect argument is a shorthand for the `:=⁠` operator. For example usage, see [Example 5](https://lavaanextra.remi-theriault.com/articles/example.html#example-5-mediation). ## user-defined parameters For user-defined parameters (e.g,. total effects), see [Example 5](https://lavaanextra.remi-theriault.com/articles/example.html#example-5-mediation). ## custom Sometimes, some elements cannot be specified with the other arguments, and so the `custom` argument becomes handy to make tailored specifications, such as with Multilevel SEM in [Example 6](https://lavaanextra.remi-theriault.com/articles/example.html#example-6-multilevel-sem). The `custom` argument can also be useful when having to specify thresholds with the "|" operator. For example usage, see [Example 10](https://lavaanextra.remi-theriault.com/articles/example.html#example-10-longitudinal-invariance).